4 Trek Bushveld Amazing Race

The only amazing race for all. Group fun. A combination of lots of outdoor games in the bush, plenty of riddles to solve and one awesome day full of  fun  in the Bushveld with a open game drive vehicle, bush walks and much, much more………


I touch your face, I’m in your words,  I’m lack of space and beloved by birds.

What am I ?


It cannot be seen, cannot be felt, Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt. It lies behind stars and under hills, And empty holes it fills. It comes first and follows after, Ends life, kills laughter.

An activity to try out:

-answers somewhere on this page 🔎

4 Trek Signage

Take a packet of Marshmallows, see how many marshmallows fit in your mouth and then say : 4Trek Adventures. The person who says 4Trek adventures the clearest with the most marshmallows are the winner🍡

Halfway Lunch stop 🛑 at one of the most famous Bushveld Pubs available 🍔.

“Bokdrol” Spitting Competition



2: Darkness